Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Newspaper Today!

Yep! Read the title! There is a new newspaper today! Here it is!

The main article:

Cool no? Now for whats comeing up:

July 9th: New Penguin Mail!

Your Igloo’s looking dull? Brush it up with Music stuff on July 15th!

New Instruments available Jule 15th also!

Cool stuff no? Now, here is how to start a Congo line! You don’t have that much time to learn! So get learning! The Music jam is TOMORROW!!!

In case you can not read that, it says:

Step 1: Tell all the penguins your making a Congo line! Try saying “Congo! Make a line!”

Step 2: To start with, move slowly until everyone gets the hang of it. Try saying: “Follow Me!”

Step 3: Click the place your going, not other penguins. Clicking other penguins will slow you down.

Step 4: Keep moving, and you DON’T have to stay in 1 room! If you get hungry, stop and eat Fish pizza!

Lol, that was fun! Well, prepare your Flippers, and get ready to Rock N roll!!


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